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French botanist André Michaux discovered the "Magnolia Macrophyllia" in Stanley in the 1700s  
Welcome to the Brevard Station Museum Website

The Brevard Station Museum was begun in 1991 as a repository for historical artifacts and information pertaining to the region around the town of Stanley, North Carolina. The museum moved, in 2004, to the present location, with an abundance of space for displaying collections, as well as affording space for a Research and Genealogy Center for visitors to peruse the many reference books of vital records, and family histories, sit at a table and work on their own genealogical research.

Through the generous support of local businesses and individuals, the museum
provides a varied array of exhibits for visitors. Permanent displays begin with a representation of the coming of gold miners to the area, and the discovery of a rare, wild magnolia by French Botanist, Andre Michaux´. Other exhibits depict the advent of the railroad, the actual origination of the small town; information and artifacts regarding the textile industry; past businesses; town government happenings; farm life; vintage clothing and other articles showing early domestic life; culminating in a large collection of military artifacts. Additionally, one display cabinet is reserved for changing exhibits featuring personal collections.

Board Administrators
W. Barry Smith, President; Ronnie Lineberger, Treasurer; Pat C. Smith, Secretary; Don “Butch” Abernathy; Allison Cobb; Jim Flanders; Karen Homesley Greeson; Cathy Helig; Ibby Ruth Miller; Andy Morris; Tammy Schweitzer; Joyce Handsel, Founder; Ruth Wood, Honorary.

The Brevard Station Museum is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to evoke an interest in the history of the small town of Stanley, North Carolina, and to provide a location for people, especially children, to view artifacts and be educated about their past with the assistance of knowledgeable volunteers who eagerly greet visitors and provide information to aid their research.

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We will honor any Company that matches gifts.
Click here to find out about all of the ways you can be a part of the museum!

Corporate Sponsorships
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Purchase books from the museum.

Books Available from the Museum:

Echoes and Shadows of Two Centuries Echoes and Images from Magnolia Country Cooks Gaston County Heritage 2002 Vol. 1

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The Museum Awarded a $10,000 Grant
Click here to learn more or click below to donate.

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A great article on our museum published in the
local paper, The Gaston County Banner News.

Joyce Handsel received a proclamation that commemorated her twenty-five years of community service as a founding officer and Director of the Brevard Station Museum. Click here to read more....

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This site created by Charles Rhyne for the Brevard Station Museum and was last updated: 01/01/2025
Copyright © 1999 by the Brevard Station Museum. All rights reserved. No part of this site may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher. Published by the Stanley, North Carolina Historical Associationn
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